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Our Magazine


The Bengal Bulletin is the official publication of The International Bengal Cat Society, Inc.

A quarterly magazine published online, it is the place to come for all the things Bengal breeders and owners want and need to know. 


Is your interest in learning more about one of the most popular breeds ever? Enjoying the particular Bengal cat who rules your roost? Knowing the current treatment and research into health-related issues that may affect your Bengal? Discovering the genetics that make the Bengal unique among breeds? Winning titles for your show cat? Keeping up to date on the legal status of Bengals throughout the world? The Bulletin has all that and more!


  • Anyone may submit an article or idea for consideration to the Editor.
  • Articles are due to the editor by:
    • February 1 for the March 1 issue (first quarter)
    • May 1 for the June 1 issue (second quarter)
    • October 1 for the September 1 issue (third quarter)
    • November 1 for the December 1 issue (fourth quarter).
  • Include graphics for your article at the time of submission.
  • Items not received in time may be held for the next issue.

We welcome all contributions!

Please send all material or suggestions to the Bulletin Editor.


Email the Bulletin Editor for your advertising needs.

Only Breeder Members of TIBCS can place cattery or cat advertisements in the Bulletin.

Ads for cat shows are welcomed and can be placed at extremely discounted rates.

Please inquire about other types of ads (cat products, etc.).